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Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

( AS OF OCTOBER 2022 )


TTP flag
Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan flag

Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), also known as the Pakistani Taliban, strives to remove the Pakistani Government from Pashtun tribal lands in the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province; implement its interpretation of Islamic law; and eventually make Pakistan an Islamic state. TTP formed in 2007 when several Pakistani extremist groups coalesced under the group’s now-deceased founder, Baitullah Mehsud. The group has killed tens of thousands of Pakistani citizens since its founding and claimed a failed bombing in New York City’s Times Square in 2010. TTP primarily recruits from the former FATA and finances its operations through donations, extortion, kidnappings, and natural resource extraction.

Based primarily in eastern Afghanistan; conducts operations in Pakistan

Approximately 2,500 to 6,000 fighters

TTP employs assassinations, ambushes, bombings, military-style assaults, and suicide attacks. Since 2018, the group has focused most of its attacks on Pakistani security forces although it also attacks US targets, sectarian targets, government officials, politicians, and the general civilian population. TTP uses small arms, light and heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, rockets, and IEDs to conduct attacks.

The US State Department designated TTP a foreign terrorist organization in 2010. In September 2019, the US State Department added TTP amir Noor Wali to its list of specially designated global terrorists.


Noor Wali

Noor Wali
a.k.a. Abu Mansur Asim
Amir since June 2018

Mufti Hazrat

Mufti Hazrat
a.k.a. Mufti Mazahim, Qari Amjad
Deputy amir since June 2018


14 December 2014

Peshawar, North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan

Six TTP members attack the Army Public School, killing 149, including 132 children, and wounding more than 100.

8 June 2014

Karachi, Sindh Province, Pakistan

Ten TTP members disguised as Airport Security Force members attack Jinnah International Airport, killing 34 and wounding dozens.

1 May 2010

New York City, New York, United States of America

TTP-trained and -financed operative Faisal Shahzad attempts to detonate a VBIED in Times Square. Shahzad attempts to flee the US two days after the failed attack and is detained by law enforcement.

5 April 2010

Peshawar, North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan

At least five TTP members attack the US Consulate in Peshawar with a suicide VBIED, small arms, and RPGs, killing six and wounding 20.

30 December 2009

Khost Province, Afghanistan

A TTP-trained suicide bomber attacks a CIA base, killing seven CIA officers and one Jordanian intelligence officer.