The Home Burglar Analogy
Let’s Start
with an analogy. Imagine a burglar wants to break into your house.
He does some
research—he cases
the place.
He observes who comes and goes from the house, your schedule, and your habits.
You typically lock your doors and windows, but the burglar will check to see if you left your basement window open.
Even better, let’s say this is a new house.
The burglar might see that you installed an alarm system.
So, now this burglar can go online to see the vendors that work with your builder to determine the alarm system brand.
Once he has the brand, he can find its vulnerabilities, and so forth.
Apply the same concepts
Now Let’s Apply
the same concepts to how a hacker might operate. Before doing anything, the hacker determines his
mission and objectives.
Remember the goal could be to steal secrets and intellectual property...
or disrupt or destroy networks or information.
Now he begins casing the company and its computer networks—known as footprint analysis—which will help him determine the best way to go about getting his prize.
First, the hacker researches all potentially related company information...
such as size, subsidiaries, vendors and customers, as well as individual employees and affiliates that might have access to the target’s computers.
Third Parties
Remember, the easiest way into a system may be the long way around—through a third party.
Much of this information is publicly available. The Intelligence Community refers to publicly available information as open source intelligence (OSINT).
The hacker conducts online research, viewing news organization, social media, job search, and
company websites.
Internet Protocol (IP) Address
He’ll also want to know the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses associated with his target.
For many companies,
he’ll be able to look-up an IP
address by knowing the company website address or domain name.
Knowing the IP address will help the hacker infiltrate the network.
You’ll see how they come into play when we move into
port scanning.
The Adversary’s Techniques
The Adversary
may also use
old-school techniques
Old-school techniques
dumpster diving
All of these tidbits are used to identify vulnerabilities
and potential human targets of a social
engineering-based intrusion.
Social Engineering
is a broad definition referring to using deceitful techniques designed to manipulate someone into divulging information or performing actions that may result in the
release of that information.
The Low-Tech Method
Someone claiming to be calling from a help desk...
tricks a user into revealing their username and passwords.
uses email in an attempt to get people to reveal sensitive information or unwittingly install malicious code.
In this example, an email
that looks like it’s from the
help desk, is really
from a hacker.
The email instructs the user to download and install an update, but the file contains malicious code.
The Hacker’s Perspective
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