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Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia–People’s Army (FARC-EP)

( AS OF OCTOBER 2022 )


FARC-EP flag

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia–People’s Army (FARC-EP) is one of Colombia’s most powerful violent dissident groups. Many members of the new FARC-EP rejected the peace agreement signed in 2016 between the Colombian Government and the former FARC, which had waged decades of attacks in Colombia since its founding in 1964. The FARC-EP seeks to control critical areas of Colombia, particularly those associated with drug trafficking. Since at least 2019, the group has been responsible for most of the FARC dissident (FARC-D) attacks in Colombia. The FARC-EP has engaged in numerous armed confrontations with Colombian authorities, as well as the Segunda Marquetalia—a rival FARC-D faction.

Operates mainly in southern and northeastern Colombia; some members reside in Venezuela

Approximately 2,000 fighters

The FARC-EP conducts armed assaults, assassinations, extortion operations, and hostage-takings. The group focuses most of its attacks on Colombian Government and military targets but also attacks critical infrastructure, Colombia’s civilian population, and—occasionally—US military personnel in the country. The FARC-EP equips its members with small arms, machineguns, mines, and IEDs.

The US State Department designated the FARC-EP as a foreign terrorist organization in November 2021. That same month, the State Department also named Nestor Gregorio Vera Fernandez, a.k.a. Ivan Mordisco; now-deceased Miguel Santanilla Botache, a.k.a. Gentil Duarte; and Euclides Espana Caicedo, a.k.a. Jhon Fredey Henao Munoz, as Specially Designated Global Terrorists.


Nestor Fernandez

Nestor Gregorio Vera Fernandez
a.k.a. Ivan Mordisco
Overall leader

Alexander Mendoza

Alexander Diaz Mendoza
a.k.a. Calarca
Leads the 40th Front; allegedly helps guide the FARC-EP’s strategy to consolidate territory and form an “urban command” for terrorist operations

Javier Veloza

Javier Alonso Veloza
a.k.a. Jhon Mechas
Leads the 33rd Front; responsible for two high-profile attacks in Colombia in 2021, one targeting US military forces and another targeting a helicopter carrying the Colombian President

Miguel Botache

Miguel Santanilla Botache  [DECEASED]
a.k.a. Gentil Duarte
Former deputy to Mordisco

Euclides Espana Caicedo

Euclides Espana Caicedo  [DECEASED]
a.k.a. Jhonier
Third in command; leads multiple FARC-EP units


25 June 2021

Cucuta, Colombia

FARC-EP insurgents shoot at a helicopter carrying the Colombian President and two cabinet ministers, hitting the aircraft multiple times but inflicting no casualties.

15 June 2021

Cucuta, Colombia

FARC-EP insurgents conduct a VBIED attack against a Colombian Army base, wounding 44 Colombians and two US military advisers.