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Al-Qa‘ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)

( AS OF AUGUST 2022 )


Al-Qa‘ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
AQAP flag

Al-Qa‘ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) is one of al-Qa‘ida’s more capable affiliates, formed in 2009 from a combination of al-Qa‘ida members and locally focused jihadists. It adheres to al-Qa‘ida’s Salafi-jihadist ideology—which seeks to establish a caliphate guided by its interpretation of Islamic law—advocates the overthrow of the Saudi Arabian and Yemeni Governments, and follows al-Qa‘ida’s longstanding goal of attacking the United States. The group tried to attack the Homeland when it recruited, trained, and deployed a Nigerian national to detonate an explosive device on a commercial airliner over Detroit on Christmas Day 2009.

AQAP regularly calls for attacks against Western interests and regional partners in the group’s media releases. AQAP pursues English-speaking audiences through messages and propaganda, most notably through its Inspire publications, which began in 2010. In June 2021, AQAP released its first official Inspire product since 2017—the sixth edition of its Inspire Guide series.

Operates primarily in southern and central Yemen

Between 2,000 and 3,000 members

AQAP has employed ambushes, assaults, assassinations, bombings, kidnappings, and suicide attacks in Yemen against Yemeni Government officials, military and security forces, and infrastructure—as well as against the Huthis and ISIS-Yemen. AQAP members who are involved in localized fighting are equipped with small arms, artillery, rockets, landmines, antitank missiles, MANPADS, and improvised explosive devices. AQAP’s Western and regional targets have included embassies, government officials, military personnel, and tourists primarily in Yemen but also in other parts of the Middle East. The group has also targeted airliners, including cargo and passenger planes.

The US State Department designated AQAP as a foreign terrorist organization in January 2010. AQAP amir Khalid Ba Tarfi and senior leader Ibrahim al-Banna were named Specially Designated Global Terrorists in January 2018 and June 2017, respectively.


Khalid Ba Tarfi

Khalid Ba Tarfi
Became amir in February 2020

Sa’d Atif al-Aulaqi

Sa’d Atif al-Aulaqi
a.k.a. Sa’d Muhammad Atif
Member of AQAP’s highest governing body

Ibrahim al-Banna

Ibrahim al-Banna
Founding AQAP member; has served as AQAP’s Chief of Security; has provided military and security guidance to AQAP leaders

Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al-Qosi

Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al-Qosi
Has appeared in AQAP media; joined AQAP in 2014 but has long been active in al-Qa‘ida; worked directly for now-deceased al-Qa‘ida leader Usama bin Ladin; former Guantanamo Bay detainee


6 December 2019

Pensacola, Florida

A Saudi military officer attending training at US Naval Air Station Pensacola kills three US service members and wounds eight others. AQAP claims responsibility for the attack in February 2020. The perpetrator had been in contact with AQAP for years up until the attack.

7 January 2015

Paris, France

Two extremists kill 12 people and wound 11 others at the office of the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris. AQAP claims responsibility for the attack two days later.

29 October 2010

Chicago, Illinois; Dubai, UAE; Nottingham, England

AQAP tries to send two packages containing explosives concealed as printer cartridges on cargo planes bound for the United States. One package is interdicted in the UK and the other in the UAE.

25 December 2009

Detroit, Michigan

A Nigerian AQAP operative tries to detonate a nonmetallic bomb concealed in his underwear on a commercial flight from Amsterdam to Detroit with 289 people on board.

12 October 2000

Aden, Yemen

An al-Qa‘ida cell in Yemen—one of AQAP’s predecessors—uses a small explosives-laden boat to bomb the USS Cole while the ship was anchored in Aden harbor, killing 17 US sailors and injuring 39.