( AS OF JANUARY 2025 )

The Huthi Movement, a.k.a. Ansarallah (Helpers of God), is a Yemen-based, Zaydi Shia Islamist political and military organization backed by Iran. The group controls much of northern Yemen and has attacked US, Israeli, Gulf Arab, and Western interests in the region. Since the start of the Israel-HAMAS conflict in 2023, the Huthis have attacked commercial and military ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden and have conducted UAS and missile strikes against Israel.
The Huthi Movement emerged in the 1990s and espoused religious revivalism, increased autonomy for northern Yemen, and decreased Western influence in the region. The Huthis opposed Yemen’s support for the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. Starting in 2004, the Huthis led an insurgency against the Yemeni Government, and in 2014, the Huthis took control of the capital, Sanaa. During the 2014-2022 civil war, the group fought the Yemeni Government, which was backed by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and al-Qa‘ida’s affiliate in Yemen and other tribal elements. The Huthis also conducted strikes on Saudi Arabia and the UAE. As of January 2025, the group remains in conflict with the Yemeni Government and other Yemeni political factions.
Northwest Yemen; Red Sea
Unknown (estimated in the tens of thousands)
Since 2014, the Huthis have conducted attacks using advanced conventional weapons against Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and international shipping and Western naval vessels. The group’s arsenal includes ballistic and cruise missiles, surface-to-air-missiles, one-way attack and reconnaissance UAS, naval mines, unmanned surface vessels, and underwater vessels. Since 2015, Iran has smuggled weapons to the Huthis. The Huthis developed their skill at land warfare during insurgency operations against Emirati, Saudi, Yemeni and forces from 2014 to 2022.
The US Government redesignated the Huthis as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO) on 22 January 2025. The State Department had previously designated the group as an FTO from 10 January through 16 February 2021. On 17 January 2024, the State Department designated the Huthis as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Group, a designation that remains in addition to the group’s FTO status.

Abd al-Malik al-Huthi
Leader since 2004

Mohammad al-Ghamari
Chief of General Staff

Abdul Hakim al-Khaywani
a.k.a. Abu al-Karrar
Head of the Security and Intelligence Service
July 2024
Tel Aviv, Israel
The Huthis launch a one-way attack UAS that strikes a residential building, killing one person and wounding four.
October 2023 – January 2025
Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
The Huthis conduct at least 150 maritime attacks against international commercial ships and US and allied naval vessels, killing at least three people, detaining 25 crew members, and sinking at least one bulk carrier.
14 December 2015
Taez Province, southwestern Yemen
A Huthi missile strike kills an estimated 146 members of progovernment forces.
17 July 2010
Saada Province, Yemen
The Huthis kill three police officers and eight civilians.
2 May 2008
Northern Yemen
The Huthis probably detonate a bomb outside a mosque, killing at least 12 people and wounding at least 44.