National Insider Threat Task Force (NITTF)

National Insider Threat Task Force (NITTF)

In October 2011, the President issued Executive Order (E.O.) 13587 establishing the National Insider Threat Task Force (NITTF), under joint leadership of the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence.  As part of the E.O., the President directed federal departments and agencies, with classified networks, to establish insider threat detection and prevention programs. The E.O. directs the NITTF to assist agencies in developing and implementing their insider threat programs. In November 2012, following an extensive interagency coordination and vetting process, the President issued the National Insider Threat Policy and the Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs via a Presidential Memorandum.


NITTF Mission


The primary mission of the NITTF is to develop a Government-wide insider threat program for deterring, detecting, and mitigating insider threats, including the safeguarding of classified information from exploitation, compromise, or other unauthorized disclosure, taking into account risk levels, as well as the distinct needs, missions, and systems of individual agencies.


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