A Message to Intelligence Community Employees from Director Clapper

A Message to Intelligence Community Employees from Director Clapper

As we enter our second week of the government shutdown, I know that many of you are wondering how long this will go on, and thinking about the affect an extended shutdown will have on your families. I want you to know that I share those concerns.

As I talk to policy makers about the potential impact the shutdown has on our national security, I’m taking every opportunity to talk about the very real impact I know it’s having on the lives of our employees and their families.

Many of you joined the IC to serve your country in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks. You made a commitment to do your part to keep our nation safe and help preserve the American way of life—and you are succeeding.  But those are not your only commitments.  With each passing day, the fact that you have family members to care for, mortgages, rent and car notes to pay, and kids in college to help support, becomes more of a concern.

You have my word that until our policy makers come to an agreement on funding the government, I will continue to express my deep concern over the threat the shutdown poses to our national security, and the negative affect it has on the lives our civilian employees and their families.

Thank you for your continued patience and professionalism as we work through this challenging time together.

James R. Clapper

DNI Clapper's Message to IC Employees   |   ODNI Operating Status   |   Furlough Guidance for ODNI Employees