NIM Aviation

Statement by Director of National Intelligence James R.Clapper on the Selection of Congressman C.A. "Dutch" Ruppersberger to be the Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

The National Intelligence Manager for the Air Domain serves as the Director of National Intelligence's principle adviser on air domain issues. NIM-Aviation leads Intelligence Community efforts to identify, analyze, and integrate intelligence on threats and vulnerabilities in the air domain. NIM-Aviation coordinates with air domain community stake holders (defense, federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, international, private sector, and academia) to support and advocate for intelligence priorities and opportunities to strengthen the safety and security of the Air Domain.


Collection and Analysis

Guide intelligence collection and analysis to address current and emerging threats and vulnerabilities.


Policy and Strategy Development

Advise senior leaders to ensure decision advange and promulgate strategic guidance to secure the Air Domain.


Counter-unmanned Aircraft Systems Synchronization

Synchronize the Intelligence Community's C-UAS activities to ensure unity of effort.


Partner Engagement and Information Sharing

Integrate intelligence community and external partner efforts and capabilities to maximize aviation enterprise mission effectiveness.


