( AS OF OCTOBER 2022 )

The Segunda Marquetalia, one of the largest factions within the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) dissidents, is one of the more dangerous terrorist groups in Colombia. FARC–Segunda Marquetalia (FARC-SM)—Second Marquetalia in English—is a reference to the town of Marquetalia, Colombia, that was the original stronghold of communist peasant militants who would later become the now former FARC. Several commanders of the former FARC, which waged decades of attacks in Colombia since that group’s founding in 1964, formed the FARC-SM in 2019 after rearming and claiming that the Colombian Government had failed to comply with the peace deal it had signed with the former FARC in 2016.
The FARC-SM seeks to control critical areas of Colombia, particularly those associated with drug trafficking. It has had numerous armed confrontations with Colombian authorities as well as with the FARC–People’s Army, a rival dissident faction.
Based primarily in northeastern Colombia, near the border with Venezuela; also maintains a presence in other parts of the country; some leaders and members reside in Venezuela.
Approximately 1,000 fighters
The FARC-SM conducts armed assaults, assassinations, extortion operations, and hostage takings. The group focuses most of its attacks on Colombian Government and military targets and also attacks critical infrastructure. The FARC-SM equips its members with small arms, machine guns, mines, and improvised explosive devices.
The US State Department designated the Segunda Marquetalia as a foreign terrorist organization in November 2021. The State Department also named FARC-SM leader Luciano Marin Arango, a.k.a. Ivan Marquez, and now-deceased leaders Hernan Dario Velasquez Saldarriaga, a.k.a. El Paisa, and Henry Castellanos Garzon, a.k.a. Romana, as specially designated global terrorists in November 2021.

Luciano Marin Arango
a.k.a. Ivan Marquez
Overall leader; was the second in command of the former FARC; suffered significant injuries from an attack in June 2022

Hernan Dario Velasquez Saldarriaga [DECEASED]
a.k.a. El Paisa
Deceased military leader; was killed in December 2021

Henry Castellanos Garzon [DECEASED]
a.k.a. Romana
Deceased military leader; was killed in December 2021

Jose Vicente Lesmes
a.k.a. Walter Mendoza
Member of the former FARC’s general staff; part of the peace negotiations team with Marquez

Jose Manuel Sierra Sabogal
a.k.a. Zarco Aldinever
Midlevel commander
11 January 2020
Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Two FARC-SM operatives are killed by Colombian police while trying to assassinate the former FARC leader and now-president of the FARC’s political party.