NCTC was created from a post-9/11 world in which the United States Government (USG) reorganized and restructured the Intelligence Community (IC) in order to protect and secure our nation from terrorist attacks. President George W. Bush, by issuing Executive Order 13354, and the Congress of the United States (US), by passing the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) of 2004, reformed our nation’s intelligence enterprise, with a specific focus on intelligence related to terrorism. These foundational documents define NCTC’s principal roles, missions, and responsibilities—mainly to analyze the threat using all available USG information, to share terrorism-related information with our partners across the counterterrorism (CT) enterprise, to maintain the single authoritative USG database of known and suspected terrorists, and to integrate the national CT effort through effective planning and strategy development.
NCTC performs five key missions in support of our Nation’s CT efforts. The Center is authorized to access to all terrorism-related information held by the USG. NCTC’s unique authorities effectively bridge the divide between foreign and domestic intelligence, thereby allowing the Center to bring a whole-of-government approach to each mission area.
Threat Analysis

Identity Management

Information Sharing

Strategic Operational Planning

National Intelligence Management