NCTC Newsroom

NCTC Newsroom

A White Paper that describes how NCTC has implemented its Attorney General Guidelines-mandated baseline safeguards, as well as the compliance checks/audits of NCTC’s adherence to those safeguards. Click here to download.

The decision matrix used by NCTC in assessing each replicated non-terrorism dataset for potential application of additional, Enhanced Safeguards, over and above the baseline safeguards which are applied to all replicated datasets. Click here to download.

A White Paper detailing the categories of data that NCTC replicates under its Attorney General Guidelines, as well as how this data is used by NCTC to fulfill its counterterrorism mission. Click here to download.

Procedures for reporting, assessing, investigating and resolving compliance incidents relating to NCTC’s handling of data accessed pursuant to various authorities, to include Executive Order 12333 and/or Attorney General-approved Guidelines. Click here to download.

NCTC’s first annual report to the ODNI General Counsel and Civil Liberties Protection Officer, as well as the IC Inspector General, on NCTC’s access, retention, use and dissemination of non-terrorism datasets, as required under NCTC’s revised 2012 Attorney General Guidelines. Click here to download.

National Counterterrorism Center