CDR: Specification Framework

CDR: Specification Framework

Chief Information Officer

IC Technical Specifications

CDR: Specification Framework


This Content, Discovery and Retrieval (CDR) Specification Framework document provides guidance for ensuring consistency and interoperability in the development of CDR Service Specifications. Generally, it describes the structure and content for CDR Service Specifications including the description of their key characteristics and a decomposition of key behaviors in the context of various environmental and technical considerations.


This CDR Specification Framework document is intended to provide both CDR Service Specification developers/authors and CDR service developers/implementers guidance for developing and implementing CDR Service Specifications. Specifically, this Specification Framework describes the Interface models and related behavior for each Service Specification and how they should be codified. For CDR Service Specification developers/authors, the framework provides the structure and content guidance for how CDR Service Specifications should be documented. For CDR service developers/implementers, the framework provides the common implementation and behavior guidance that, coupled with a specific CDR Service Specification, enables the realization of a CDR service.


This specification supports Intelligence Community Directive 501 (ICD 501), Discovery, Dissemination or Retrieval of Information within the Intelligence Community, which establishes policies for (1) discovery, and (2) dissemination or retrieval of intelligence and intelligence-related information collected, or analysis produced by the Intelligence Community.


This specification framework is maintained by the IC Chief Information Officer via the Services Coordination Activity (SCA) and Content Discovery and Retrieval Integrated Product Team (CDR IPT).


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Value Proposition

This CDR Specification Framework describes in greater detail the CDR Components and capabilities presented in the CDR Reference Architecture. It is meant to provide guidance in enough detail to enable interoperability among independent implementations without otherwise constraining the implementation itself. In this vein, this document describes inputs and outputs to each component in the context of the expected behavior that clarifies what is needed as inputs, outputs, and other effects that are expected to be produced. It does not, however, specify the details of the internal implementation processing.