Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center

US Government Agency


Driving Intelligence to the Front Lines of Critical Infrastructure

CI3 is the IC’s latest strategic step toward increasing collaboration with our State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial government partners and regional, public- and private-sector critical infrastructure providers to protect the critical services that underpin America’s national security, business, health, and everyday life against foreign cyber attacks.

  • CTIIC brings together IC and other USG cyber threat experts—including from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Intelligence & Analysis and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)—to give critical infrastructure providers timely, actionable information through monthly, classified cyber threat intelligence briefings.
  • CI3 briefings share secret-level intelligence to provide context for recent cybersecurity alerts and help stakeholders prioritize and inform defensive responses.
  • Cleared critical infrastructure owners and operators can attend briefings via secure video at state and local fusion centers nationwide.

What to Expect at the Monthly Cyber Threat Briefing

  • Classified context for open-source cybersecurity alerts
  • Enhanced cybersecurity awareness
  • Opportunities to collaborate and increase our collective understanding on cybersecurity incidents

Do you work in critical infrastructure and have a Secret-level clearance? If so, reach out to your local representative to join the initiative.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone Number: 1-202-282-8000
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone Number: 1-844-729-2472

CTIIC analyzes and integrates cyber intelligence for decision-makers so they can act on the identified threats. CTIIC coordinates an IC-wide approach to mitigating and countering cyber threats. CTIIC unifies and integrates cyber collection and aligns cyber funding to national priorities. CTIIC works closely with the National Security Council, National Intelligence Council, and partners across the IC.




CTIIC is staffed by a workforce of agile, diverse, skilled, and highly motivated professionals with the similar interest of protecting our nation’s security.


We foster opportunities for growth and development that deepen expertise; we recognize and reward initiative, innovation, and collaboration; we leverage and build upon relationships across the federal cyber community; and we encourage collaboration and problem-solving across CTIIC components.


If you want to be part of this critical mission, please take a look at ODNI Careers and ODNI Vacancies.


CTIIC integrates cyber threat intelligence, builds innovative partnerships and capabilities, unifies cyber collection, and aligns cyber funding to national priorities.


  • Integrate Cyber Threat Intelligence

    CTIIC integrates IC and commercial cyber intelligence to inform a variety of audiences from senior policy makers to network defenders. CTIIC also leads the IC’s intelligence support to government incident response efforts.


  • Build Innovative Partnerships and Capabilities

    CTIIC engages in partnerships across the IC and USG, and with foreign, and industry partners to increase visibility into cyber threats, support enhanced processing and sharing of cyber intelligence, incubate new cyber capabilities, and further the development of the IC’s cyber workforce.


  • Guide IC Investment and Strategic Priorities

    CTIIC collaborates with IC elements to identify opportunities to integrate cyber collection, data exploitation, and analysis across the IC and to align funding to national priorities.


Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 41 on Cyber Incident Coordination designates CTIIC as one of three Federal lead agencies (with DHS and FBI) responsible for the coordination response to a significant cyber incident. CTIIC is designated in PPD 41 as the Federal lead agency for intelligence support and related activities for significant cyber incidents.


CTIIC’s National Intelligence Manager for Cyber implements the integrated mission management responsibilities in Intelligence Community Directive 900.

