NIC Publications

National Intelligence Council - NIC Publications

Global Trends

Global Trends is designed to provide an analytic framework for policymakers early in each administration as they craft national security strategy and navigate an uncertain future. The goal is not to offer a specific prediction of the world; instead, our intent is to help policymakers and citizens see what may lie beyond the horizon and prepare for an array of possible futures.

Annual Threat Assessments (ATAs)

The Intelligence Community's Worldwide Threat Assessment is released by the Director of National Intelligence annually at public hearings of the IC oversight committees in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Often referred to simply as the "ATA," the Annual Threat Assessment provides an unclassified summary the Intelligence Community’s evaluation of current threats to U.S. national security, including cyber and technological threats, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, crime, environmental and natural resources issues, and economic issues.

Intelligence Community Assessments (ICAs)

National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs)

National Intelligence Council Assessments (NICAs)

National Intelligence Council Memoranda (NICMs)

Sense of the Community Memoranda (SOCMs)

Older Intelligence Products (1999-2015)

Special Products

Commissioned Research Reports

Conference Reports