IC Human Capital
Q: If an individual has received an agency-level award for an achievement, can the person also receive an award from the DNI?
A: Individuals would need to check with their organization; some allow dual recognition for employees while others do not.
IC Civilian Joint Duty:
Q: Who is eligible to participate in Joint Duty?
A: All government civilian intelligence professional, starting at Grade GS-13, Pay Band 3, are eligible to participate in the Joint Duty program with their management’s approval.
Intelligence Learning Network:
Q: How do I volunteer to attend an Intelligence Learning Network course at my level?
A: IC professionals interested in taking these courses should contact their Agency/Element Training Officer.
Q: I would like to find out more about a job in the IC. Where do I find more information?
A: The website www.intelligence.gov provides links to all the IC organizations.
General Information:
Q: What is IC Human Capital's contact information?
A: 301-243-0895 (u)